Criminal Law

Criminal Law

Being arrested and charged with a crime is embarrassing, scary and generally unpleasant. The process can be confusing. Law enforcement officers are trained to get you to talk when you should be exercising your right to remain silent and request an attorney. For all of these reasons, it is critical that you have highly qualified and effective legal counsel to guide you through the process.

When you are facing criminal charges in either state or federal court, we’ve got your back!

Any criminal charge has significant legal consequences. It doesn’t matter if you are charged with felony aggravated battery or a misdemeanor disorderly conduct, you need high quality and effective legal counsel to advise you of your legal rights and the best path through the challenges you are facing. 
Federal criminal charges are not the same as state criminal charges. In these cases, there are clear differences in the rules, penalties, and the process itself. For this reason, having an attorney who understands the specific laws and procedures that apply in a federal criminal case is essential. 

At Stout Law Group, P.C., we have the experience and skill to advise you and advocate for you at every stage of any criminal matter. No matter the type of charges you are facing, we will do our best to defend your rights and protect your future.

When you trust Stout Law Group, P.C., to represent you in a criminal case, you will have a strong, capable ally on your side at all times. Please call our office today to make an appointment.

We offer the following services:
  • State & Federal criminal felonies
  • State & Federal criminal misdemeanors
  • Operating Motor Vehicle while Intoxicated (DUI)
  • Infractions & Ordinance Violations
  • Probation Violations
  • Specialized Driving Privileges
  • Expungements
  • Restoration of Gun Rights
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